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This audio course by Vanessa is balm for the soul and food for the heart.


With her warm, beautiful voice, she has spoken five Mindful Meet-up modules full of impulses, suitable meditations and affirmations for you:

1. Aloha: breath is everything. Everything is breath.

2. Get connected: Internal and external connections.

3. Gratitude: Energy follows attention.

4. Who do you want to be? transform and manifest.

5. Mindful talk: mindful communication and affirmations.


Total duration: almost 4 hours, can be played as often as you like (download file).


The audio course includes the beautifully illustrated "Just BREATHE & BE" postcard and a lovingly designed workbook (digital as PDF).


Audio course price including workbook, postcard and postage:

44 euros (when ordering, please state the address for sending the card).

Audio Course: Just BREATHE & BE

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